Contacts problem? We've got the solution

Whilst you can be sure to find some glasses in our range that make you ‘cat walk ready’, there are times when it’d be nice to have the option of leaving them in their case and popping in a pair of contacts.

Whether it’s for a day of photography, bird-watching or swimming, or perhaps to support a professional make-up look on a special occasion, there is no doubt that wearing contact lenses frees you from the constant awareness of glasses and provides you with a more natural and wider field of vision.

New technology means contact lenses are clearer, more comfortable, and more convenient than ever. Modern lenses are made from materials that are extremely comfortable and safe. 

Most can and in a contact lens consultation, David will assess the health and wellbeing of your eyes and the likelihood of you being able to wear contacts safely and comfortably. Our eyes are as individual as the rest of us and our natural tear film, the smoothness, and curvature of the front of our eyeballs, our personality, and lifestyle will all contribute to David’s assessment and subsequent advice. He will discuss the pros and cons with you of certain types and brands of lenses, how long you should wear them at any time and any extra care your eyes will need to stay happy.

Contact lenses vary in material, recommended length of wear, cost, and of course – prescription. David will be able to support you in your choice with his professional advice.

  • Daily disposable contact lenses are simply worn during waking hours and thrown out at night before bed. Just replace them in the morning with “fresh” new lenses.  It doesn’t get much easier than that!
  • Monthly contact lenses are designed for you to wear for up to one month. You need to remove and clean them nightly for re-use the next day.
  • Multifocal contact lenses provide people in their 40s and over to see clearly and comfortably at all distances without having to wear glasses.

It is a simple process – book your appointment for a contact lens consultation online or by calling the practice. Your consult will cover all the box and dice, including:

  • Additional testing to assess your suitability for contact lenses
  • Measurements of the front of your cornea to assess your ideal fit
  • Professional recommendation of what lenses are best for you and why
  • Training and coaching on how to safely and hygienically insert, remove, clean and care for your lenses and your eyes
  • A set of trial contact lenses plus cleaning solutions
  • Follow-up aftercare appointments until you earn your ‘P’ plates in contact lens wear.

‘How to apply and remove contact lenses’ by CooperVision. Watch Video 

Fancy adding an extra spook to your Halloween costume or being that ‘Brown-eyed Girl’ for the night? Both prescription and non-prescription contact lenses are available to change the colour and look of your eyes but should be approached with a public health warning in mind and we choose not to stock them as a result.

Over a third of Australians who have worn novelty contact lenses have experienced problems as a result, so unless you want to end up scaring the emergency doctors out of their wits, wear novelty contact lenses with extreme care. You are in effect putting a piece of plastic in your eye and this can cause serious damage and even blindness if done carelessly.

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Refreshingly Different Frames

Our quest is to offer you the most beautiful frames in the region whilst refusing to compromise on the quality of eyecare we provide. We are proud to be the only stockists of many unique fashion frames not available anywhere else south of Adelaide and only a handful of practices in South Australia. If you love to feel awesome when you pop on your frames, come and play dress-ups with our sensational range.